Wednesday 29 February 2012

Get fabulous cheeks

If you already have round and clearly visible cheeks, follow the general tips above. But if you have a flat face, try this:

First of all, make sure you have applied foundation to eliminate any red marks on your cheeks.
Find the highest point of your cheek, the tip of the cheekbone. Look at where the highlight appears in different lights. Imagine a highlighted line across your cheek.
Apply blush right below this line upwards and outwards. Start on the middle of the cheek (horizontally). Make the line thicker until you have a half-moon shape.
Leave the highlight area uncolored and make another line right above it, parallel to the lower line. Don’t apply any blush to the circle under your eye. If you’re very close to it, make the line thin.
Remove any excess from the brush and use it to smoothen out the highlighted, uncolored area. The transition between the highlight and the half-moon and upper line should be very discreet. If the highlighted area is still uncolored, apply a small amount of blush to it, just so that it remains brighter than the upper and lower line.

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