Tuesday 28 February 2012

The Biggest Mistakes in Skin Care

Improper skin care of lack of skin care can have harmful effects over your skin. There are many big mistakes people often make I skin care. The use of improper skin products and avoiding the use of some essential skin care products lead to make you skin condition worse.
Some of these biggest mistakes are given below; just know about them and try to avoid them:
Many people don’t consider use of moisturizing cream necessary to keep their body hydrated. They just think that drinking sufficient amount of water is enough; but you must know that water contains some chemicals and salts which can make your skin drier. Lack of moisture can
lead to cracked, sensitive and itching skin. So you should use moisturizing cream or lotion to hydrate your skin.
Using the moisturizing lotion or cream which doesn’t suit your skin can have harmful affect over the skin. Different types moisturizing products are being developed for different skin types. Applying a cream for oily skin over the dry skin makes skin drier because it contains ingredients that strip the oil away from the skin and make it drier. Use the cream that matches with your skin type.
Use of harsh cleanser to cleanse the body strips away the oil which shields the skin against pollution and other harmful factors for our skin. So always use mild cleaners.
Confusing essential oils with mineral oils is another biggest mistake in skin care. Mineral oils don’t suit oily skin because they can cause skin infections like development of pimples and acne because of blocked pores. In contrast, some essential oils are healthy and beneficial for oily skin, so, people having oily skin must use them.
Avoiding the use of sunscreen is one of the biggest skin care mistakes. Sunscreen protects the skin from harmful effects of sunrays by preventing them to hit directly over your skin.

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