Monday 27 February 2012

Beauty Guidelines for Men:

Stop Using All-purpose soap

Male have roughly 15% oilier skin than women which significantly larger the pores. Dirt and other harmful agents easily penetrate in the skin through such large pores and damage your skin. So don’t be dirtier. For any type of skin, deep cleansing is much important. For that you should keep pores clear with gentle cleanser only. Clean the skin pores with Noxzema. Mind that for cleansing the skin, never use any type of soap (specially “all- purpose” antibacterial soap), as it makes your skin dry. Eczema and irritation would be caused due to dry skin. Use such a mild cleanser which makes your skin healthy and provides a young look along with cleansing. Try to prefer natural cleanser if possible.

Use SPF umbrella
Compared to women, men have to
perform more work outside the home. Basically, men need more protection against drastic ultra violet rays of sun. Make habit to apply sunscreen with SPF-30 every day for skin protection. Regular application of sunscreen reduces risk of melanoma by 50 percent. As a result, your skin tone remains perfectly at its origin level.

Conditioner for hair protection
Take care of your gray hair which shows you older than you are. For that, you can use Men's hair color creams. For healthy and shiny hair looking, keep conditioning regularly. Also you can try leave-in conditioner to protect your hair color from fading or changing in the sun during summer days. Hot oil treatment makes your hair shiny and pleasant to touch.

Night wash
Be habitual to night wash regularly, which helps you to remove substance that can build up in the pores and cause acne afterwards. Hair styling products like men's hair gels and sculpting pastes can cause Pomade acne. Sometimes, these products lead to breakouts on the face. Therefore washing the product out of your hair and from your face is the only way.

As men’s skin is hard, to rouse cellular turnover; men need to exfoliating facial masks and cleansers. This process helps to remove dead cells on the surface of the skin. Also try professional facial as another option. You should buy benzoate clay which is a superb base for nearly all male skin.

Normally, man’s beauty schedule is start with shaving. But remember that don’t shave if you just wake up. For closer shave, give enough time to your facial skin for ‘wake up’ a bit. Try to prefer cream-based facial cleanser in place of a shave gel. Their creamy consistency makes your shave smooth. As gel-based products contain more alcohol, they increases drying and irritation of the skin.

Shaving makes men's faces dry and flaky. Applying moisturizer daily nourishes your skin in well manner. To make it daily routine, keep moisturizer (if it contain SPF it is added bonus) bottle right outside the shower. Just buffing your face with plain sugar in the shower gives relief from sprinkle. Also astringents and toners with alpha hydroxy or glycolic acids are toning the face greatly.

Though you are handsome, bad breath downs your personality badly. Daily flossing and twice daily brushing provides better breath with brighter teeth as well as your gums becoming puffy, inflamed and red.

Complete beauty
Beauty is not limited to face only, but grooming of hands and feet is also equally important. No doubt women have more dry, cracked or irritated feet compared to men. Being safe in shoe protection, doesn’t mean that men haven’t any need to remove dead skin that build up on the heels. Any type of dead skin largely supplies odor-causing bacteria. So, you can easily remove it with pumice stone. Daily moisturize your hands and nails. Avoid hangnails infection by regular clipping.

To reduce chances of stains in hot and humid weather, prefer to wear cotton light color clothes. Shave your under arm hair occasionally to get rid from drastic body odor and stains.

  • As men word reflects image of person with stomach in, shoulders back, chest out, and head up, slouching is curse for men’s impression.
  • Beauty always follows healthiness via exercise and perfect diet. Daily exercise boosts oxygen supply to the tissues as well as keeps skin healthy and looking young. It promotes functioning of the vessel which lessens early aging and fine lines. Exercise boosts your confidence level by making muscular and well-shaped body.
  • To maintain glowing and healthy skin, eat fruits and vegetables which supply the essential vitamins and minerals to the skin .
  • Avoid drinking alcohol and smoking; as it dehydrates the skin and gives pale look to the skin. It also endorses early aging.

  • Soft lips are not women’s monopoly. Most of men feel embraced with crashes on lips. To remove any dead skin of lips, apply a liquid lip balm then exfoliate it by running a toothbrush over them.
  • Too shiny skin doesn't mean healthy, just give greasy look. With blotting papers, absorb excess oils.
  • With tweezers pluck hair from the unibrow area, then brush the brows straight up and trim any unruly hairs. For ideal shape of brow, you should visit brow professional.

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